In today’s market, it is quite likely that an application to rent will have competition. Below are some suggestions of how to make your application as attractive as possible.
1. The application should be submitted online if possible.
It is more convenient for a PM to receive an electronic application, as opposed to a paper copy. This accelerates the screening process, and may help you receive a decision more quickly.
2. Submit all required accompanying documents with the application.
Any missing information will likely delay the process.
3. Complete and legible applications are looked at first.
If an application cannot be submitted online, be sure all boxes are filled in with clear print. Black ink is preferred.
4. If you have had past credit issues that can be explained, submit a letter with the application.
The letter should be factual, and concise. Some personal info is ok, but try to keep it professional, and direct.
5. Follow up after the application has been submitted.
Ensure all necessary items have been received, and ask if there is anything that can be done to help the chances of approval.
Good Luck in your house hunting, and remember the old adage. The early bird gets the worm!